最靠谱的娱乐平台十大平台 Application Process

We will be happy to help you through the application process.
请致电(845)848 -7821或
给我们捎个信 使用这个表单

How 和 when do I apply for financial aid?

Beginning in 10月ober, the Free Application for 联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 可以在网上找到. The FAFSA must be completed using the prior year’s federal income tax returns, as those figures are needed to answer items on the form. It is best to use the IRS Data Retrieval on the FAFSA to avoid mistakes. Retain a copy of both the parent’s 和 student’s tax returns for future reference. FAFSA用于确定所有联邦项目的资格,其中包括学生贷款. To be considered for state programs, please fill out the information needed by the 纽约州.

In order to complete the FAFSA online, you will need a 联邦学生援助(FSA)的ID. If you do not already have an FSA ID, apply for one now. Parents of dependent students must also apply for an FSA ID, which will include a user ID 和 password. The FSA ID serves as an electronic signature for the FAFSA. 如果在创建FSA ID时需要额外的帮助,请拨打1-800-557-7394寻求帮助.

How is financial need determined?

每所学院或大学都会对你上学的费用进行估计, 包括学杂费, 书籍及用品, 食宿, 个人支出, 运输, 杂项费用. 这叫做你的 出勤费用 和 will vary from institution to institution. 这也取决于你是研究生还是本科生.

To determine your financial need, your EFC or Expected Family Contribution, (通过提交FAFSA计算)从就读费用中减去.


Once we receive the results of your FAFSA, we will create your financial aid package based 在你的 financial need. You may receive some types of financial aid in excess of your need up to the 出勤费用.

学校将为你准备一份经济援助奖励信,概述你所获得的经济援助. 此通知将包括提供的每个奖项的一般信息以及接受和/或拒绝奖项的说明.


验证是通过文件确认学生在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供的信息是正确的. 联邦政府要求学院和大学核实或确认学生及其家长在FAFSA上报告的数据. 验证过程确保符合条件的学生获得他们有权获得的所有经济援助,并防止不符合条件的学生获得他们无权获得的经济援助.

How will I know if I am selected for verification?

您可能会被联邦处理人员或学生金融服务部门选中进行验证 (formerly 最靠谱的娱乐平台十大平台 和 the Bursars Office)网投十大可靠娱乐平台. If you are selected for verification by the federal processor, there will be an asterisk next to your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) 在你的 学生资助报告 (SAR). 你也会在特别行政区确认信中被选中接受核实, which will be included with your SAR documents.

If you are selected for verification by 学生财务服务, 如果你是一名新生,你会在你的获奖信的第一页收到通知, or an email 和 missing information letter will be sent to your duny.edu email account if you are a continuing student. 这两份通知都会通知你这个选择,并指示你所需的文件. You can be selected for verification at any time during the academic year, so it is very important you check your email on a regular basis. If you are a continuing student, 在学生金融服务部门收到并审查所有要求的文件之前,您将不会获得经济援助.

Why was I selected for verification?

It’s likely that you were chosen r和omly, but perhaps the FAFSA you submitted was incomplete, or perhaps your FAFSA contains estimated information, or the data you provided on the FAFSA is inconsistent. Verification is a federal regulation. Students who are selected for verification are not being punished; rather, 核实可以防止不符合条件的学生通过报告虚假信息而获得援助,并确保符合条件的学生获得他们有资格获得的所有援助.

What do I have to submit, 和 where do I send it?

Once you are selected for verification, 所有要求都将添加到您的DC帐户中,并将在缺失的信息信中列出. 请注意,在辅导员的自由裁量权下,可能会要求学生财务服务部门提供额外的文件. 如果需要额外的文件,一封电子邮件和缺失的信息信将被邮寄. 您有责任在30天内检查您的要求并将所有文件提交给学生财务服务. 未能完成验证过程可能导致财政援助的取消. Once verification has been completed, you will receive a revised award letter indicating changes, 如果有任何. Revised award letters replace any award letters previously received.

Do not wait to submit your documents.

What happens once I submit my documents?

Once you submit the documents to our office, 你可以通过联系学生金融服务(845)848-7821来检查你的文件状态. 在我们收到所有所需的验证文件后,我们将对您的信息进行审核. Once the documents are reviewed, 只有当您的原始经济援助奖被更改时,才会发送修改后的奖励信. If the requirement is incomplete, 你会收到一封电子邮件,解释什么是不完整的,以及如何解决.

What if I don’t want to complete the verification process?

验证过程是一项联邦规定,学生必须完成验证过程才能获得联邦资助, as well as any state 和 Institutional aid. If you do not wish to complete the verification process, 和, 因此, do not receive financial aid, 请通知 学生财务服务 这样我们就可以更新你的状态.


多明尼加大学的学生金融服务办公室负责支付你的经济援助. 你的经济援助直接用于机构收费(学费、杂费、食宿费). 任何多余的资金将在信用余额发生之日起14天内提供给您.  Any questions about billing should be directed to them.

Special Circumstances/ Request for Review

虽然决定你的经济援助资格的过程对所有申请人来说基本上是一样的, there is some flexibility for specific circumstances. 在网投十大可靠娱乐平台, 一个委员会决定你的特殊情况是否值得改变决定你的预期家庭贡献或你的就读成本的数据元素. 多明尼加大学采用全国学生财政援助管理协会推荐的标准. Situations that might merit special circumstances include:

  • 失业
  • Loss of untaxed benefit (ie: worker’s compensation, 孩子的抚养费, 养老金和年金, 社会保障福利)
  • 分居或离婚
  • 死亡
  • Medical expenses that have been itemized 在你的 Federal tax return

如果你觉得你有任何特殊情况,可能会影响到你和你的家人应该缴纳的金额, 你必须等到收到奖励信(或电子通知),然后在我们的网站上提交特殊情况表格.